2. 80's music - Ashamed to admit my secret addiction to it but I can't go through a day without my dose. It's an ironic one considering I was only alive for like 2 years in the 80's.

3. Musicals - 99% of the kick ass

4. Lame T.v. Shows - Greys Anatomy, Ugly Betty etc etc. I have time shifting so incase I miss them I can always watch them late at night. The ultimate guilty t.v. pleasure has to be my super sweet 16. Nothing better then watching spoiled rich kids throw tantrums. It's a double whammy too because its on MTV which basically stands for trash tv in my mind.

5. As a vegetarian I probably should not enjoy eating things that resemble meat but darn I really enjoy some of the veggie "meat" products. Tofuturkey anyone?

and last but not least my top guilty pleasure
Spending time with my friends or on my computer when I actually should be working on stuff. Oooops!