Everything in my life is broken right now... perfect timing for it to happen with my 21st coming up...
-my laptop... its a $1500 paperweight. It decided to crash to the extreme. I lost all my work, photos, website crap for the website i edit, music, jailbroken iphone/touch applications, photoshop, finalcut pro etc... well the stuff is still here just it can not be moved to an external drive etc because apparently 90% of the files are corrupted. 3+ years of stuff gone in seconds. All that works on it right now is firefox and im 100% sure that will go soon too.
-my friends... whoever they are these days. Very few people are stable in my life right now and around to listen (then again I'm not sure i really want anyone to listen anymore these days)
-a person I love is broken and old and probably going to pass away soon.
-my heart... for many reasons recently. seems like every time I trust it gets stomped on some more. every time i desire - the emotions are disregard.
-home... home feel like a sad broken place and I can't tell if I hate it more then usual because I'm sad or if its actually worse then usual... probably both
-amy project show feels like its falling apart instead of being built. Usually I dont mind knowing its part of the creative process and such.. but for whatever reason right now it has me really down because it feels broken... usually its a good place to be but right now I dont even want to be there really...
-me ... my body, my mind... everything about me feels broken
I guess the thing thats the most broken is my spirit. Today I don't even feel hope... I do not believe.