Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Reasons to live

Not my list but interesting:

"For most of us, dying would be infinitely easier than living-- for life is hard!

#10: Random chance

#9: Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem
Basically a brilliant scientist named Kurt Gödel once proved that nobody can ever know everything. No matter if God-like powers are brought to bear by future humanity or the most advanced aliens you can imagine, even they will never learn it all.
So why's this a reason to live?
Because it means anyone deciding anything-- including to die-- cannot and never will have all the facts available to them. Perhaps not even all those specific facts relevant to their choice of the time. Ditto on deciding to live as well-- but you get the point.

#8: Revenge
#7: Curiosity
#6: The ultimate relief and satisfaction available to our own ending
#5: Adventure
#4: Changing one itsy-bitsy piece of the world for the better
#3: Serendipity
#2: Transcendence
#1: Love "

For sure not my reasons to plow through day after day but worth a mention.