1. I'm so tired it feel like I'm looking at everything through a piece of fabric (everything is fuzzy)
2. I saw my ex boyfriend on my way home
- brought back old memories and feelings
3. I may be really depressed but what's even more depressing, so are the people around me that I care about
4. The only hope I can find right now is the word thats tattooed on me
5. I can't communicate how I feel or what's going on in a way that helps
6. Fighting accomplishes nothing, it's never a solution. (cheesy)
7. Cheesy makes me think of food and I have not felt the need to eat in days
8. I hate me.
And I promised myself I would post up 3 positives so here they are:
1. I love my supportive friends (I can't thank them enough for putting up with me no matter how ungrateful I seem).
2. The show opens Thursday and I will finally be able to breathe
3. I came up with 2 other positive things
My tattoo the first day I got it: