In that moment I recalled a list I made a few years back in highschool. At one point I pulled it out, crumbled it and tossed it into a binder and said I would never look at ever again.
When I got back in today, I decided to set out on a mission to find it. I'm writing this as I'm looking.
I found another interesting piece of paper instead:
Journal # 2 - Your Hopes and Dreams 2003- 09 -14
1. Go to University for Psychology
- Status: Nope and it's not happening
2. Travel the world
- Status: Nope, one day though
3. Snowboard in the best snowboarding spots -
-Status: Nope and I dont snowboard as much as I use to
4. Get a Tattoo
- Status: Accomplished
5. Make a positive impact on someone's life, help others, and make change happens
- Status: A lifelong goal but I would like to think in some way I have done that.
6. Find enlightenment, solve the worlds problems (world hunger, war etc.), figure out the meaning of life
- Status: Just a dream
After a thorough 1 hour long search I am sad to say... I must have tossed it when I was cleaning. It means I will have to make a new list of 50 things I want to do in my life and post it up somewhere so it will never be lost.
To end on a good note - I found some funny quotes:
"life is what happens to you while your busy making other plans - John Lennon"
"It's better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool then to open it and remove all doubt" - Mark Twain