Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A lost childhood list...

I had a great moment of reflection this morning as I was on the TTC traveling to visit the oral surgeon. Everything seemed so much clearer then usual. I always think about what i have done so far and what i want to do but never like this (calls for another list that I wrote out on paper but will wait a few days to post).

In that moment I recalled a list I made a few years back in highschool. At one point I pulled it out, crumbled it and tossed it into a binder and said I would never look at ever again.

When I got back in today, I decided to set out on a mission to find it. I'm writing this as I'm looking.

I found another interesting piece of paper instead:

Journal # 2 - Your Hopes and Dreams 2003- 09 -14

1. Go to University for Psychology
- Status: Nope and it's not happening

2. Travel the world
- Status: Nope, one day though

3. Snowboard in the best snowboarding spots -
-Status: Nope and I dont snowboard as much as I use to

4. Get a Tattoo
- Status: Accomplished
5. Make a positive impact on someone's life, help others, and make change happens
- Status: A lifelong goal but I would like to think in some way I have done that.

6. Find enlightenment, solve the worlds problems (world hunger, war etc.), figure out the meaning of life
- Status: Just a dream

After a thorough 1 hour long search I am sad to say... I must have tossed it when I was cleaning. It means I will have to make a new list of 50 things I want to do in my life and post it up somewhere so it will never be lost.

To end on a good note - I found some funny quotes:

"life is what happens to you while your busy making other plans - John Lennon"

"It's better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool then to open it and remove all doubt" - Mark Twain


Friday, May 23, 2008

Life Lesson

A simple life lesson - getting your wisdom teeth out is NOT fun.

Lessons from this experience:

1. Getting a general anesthetic is not as scary as it seems

2. Stitches rip out really easily so don't talk too much

3. The 1st day you're too out of it to care about the pain, the 2nd day the pain killers help, the 3rd day it hurts and you need the pain killers. The 4th day you think you're ok but when the pain hits you want to rip yourself apart. 5th day you may as well be dead.

4. It really hurts to cough, but it hurts more to cry especially if you're crying in pain - you cry because it hurts but it hurts even more, so you keep crying etc etc.

5. It's kinda easy to not smoke after you have your wisdoms removed because your focusing too much on the discomfort

6. Being in pain is not so bad when you spend time with people that care about you (thank you to those special people that made time to see me)

7. Being in pain makes you a lot nicer and more emotional - it's actually easier to do then I thought and I'm going to try it more.

8. Being in the wrong place while being in pain really really sucks

9. My parents are sadistic. Seeing my crying in pain does not apparently mean I'm in enough pain to get any kind of painkillers. Gotta suck it up! 

10. I've realized I really want to move the heck out! 

Lessons about pain killers:

1. Tylenol 3 has caffeine in it. It makes me very jittery and unable to sleep

2. I become incredibly honest and share things I normally would not share

3. They are called wisdom teeth because you loose all your wisdom after they are removed from frying your brain with painkillers

4. If you tell someone your on painkillers and act really silly they will tell you things that maybe they wouldn't tell you otherwise  because they don't think you will remember - but you actually do


All in all a terrible experience, which some have told me was really easy for them - not so great for me aside from the fact that I learned a bit about me. 

Monday, May 19, 2008

A Small List to Start Off

A Start of something new - but what? 

I have never been good at writing beautiful stories about life, composing songs, poetry, making up anecdotes or creating a story through an image, so for the nearing of my 20th birthday I'm going to try something new. 

Instead what I do have the ability to write lists; whether it a simple to do list, a grocery list, a list of ambitions, or list of why a friend needs to stick around on this earth for one more day, - I've tried it all. So, every week I'm going to try to post a list of something, even if its a random to do list from the week- I will also try to post up a famous list every so often.

I'm going to start with a list I have seen floating around:

List of things people do not know about me:

1.  I wish I could dance - not just dance like in a club but dance and feel free inside. Or maybe those two are the same thing? 

2.  I sleep with a stuffed animal and always have, when I got older I would take it to sleep overs and leave it in my knapsack and felt comfort in knowing it was there.

3. I'm scared of heights but always lie about it and go on the highest and biggest rollercoasters - just to prove I'm fearless to others. 

4.  I wish I was more graceful and try to cover it up by looking cool. My own two feet are my worse enemy. Example: I recently fell off the edge of a stage and someone said "gee you made that look really smooth and cool" - where as I actually nearly twisted an ankle.

5.  I love to sing along with songs really loudly even though my voice is terrible (this isn't so much of an unknown thing for all the poor people that are friends with me)

6. The only time I have ever cried infront of another person is when I was having a really lousy day and stepped in some dog Poo.

7.  I don't bother looking at people when I am talking to them, so each time I look at a persons face it looks different to me. I notice new things about it or sometimes the person looks like a whole new person to me.

8. I try really hard to be funny but it never seems to work (forced humor never does).

9. I really really like pink. Not that washed out pink but Bright Neon 80's bristol board pink.

10.  If I am walking I feel the need to be smoking even though its apparently not elegant for a woman to do so - I do it anyway. 

11. Most days I have no idea what I am doing even though I have an intricate plan for almost everything.